Artificial Christmas Trees and Their Association with Angels and Devils

Artificial Christmas trees have been around for decades, and their popularity has consistently grown. While most people only consider them a convenient alternative to real trees, some see a deeper meaning in their design.

One of the beliefs that have emerged regarding artificial Christmas trees is that they represent the relationship between angels and devils. In this context, the evergreen tree represents the angels, and the decorations represent the devil. The tree’s everlasting nature is associated with the eternal nature of angels, while the flashy decorations reflect the devil’s desire to lead people astray.

If you are wondering what to put on top of your artificial Christmas tree, an angel figurine is a suitable choice.

The Connection between Artificial Christmas Trees, Good and Evil, and God

The association between artificial Christmas trees and good and evil is not limited to angels and devils. Some people view the tree’s design as an expression of the balance between good and bad in the world. The dark green color represents evil, while the bright decorations represent all the good in the world.

But, the most significant religious symbolism associated with artificial Christmas trees is their connection to God. The tree’s evergreen nature is seen as a representation of God’s everlasting love for humanity, while the decorations represent the beauty of God’s creation.

Putting presents under the Christmas tree is also associated with God’s gift-giving nature. Christians believe God gave the world the ultimate gift when He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to save humanity. Thus, giving presents during Christmas is a way of imitating God’s generosity.


In conclusion, artificial Christmas trees do come with religious symbolism. The evergreen nature of the tree represents God’s everlasting love, while the decorations symbolize the beauty of God’s creation. Putting presents under the tree is also tied to God’s gift-giving nature.

Moreover, the association between artificial Christmas trees, angels, devils, and good and evil shows the deep spiritual meanings behind every aspect of Christmas. So, to give your artificial Christmas tree a religious touch, consider adding an angel figurine or choosing decorations that represent God’s goodness.